

Concepts for Cocay

Creative Director & Concept Design for COCAY Studio
Mexico City, 2023.
At the forefront of innovation for one of the world's premier electronic music and arts festivals, MUTEK, Luis Cardel collaborates with Cocay to present two cutting-edge immersive experiences: Projection Mapping & Laser Interaction: This installation masterfully intertwines the power of projection mapping with intricate laser interactivity. The result is an audiovisual symphony, where every laser movement harmonizes with the pulsating beats and visuals, offering festival-goers a transcendental experience. Abduction & Electronic Visuals on Cylinders: Venturing into the realms of the abstract and mysterious, this experience harnesses the power of projection mapping on cylindrical canvases. Infused with themes of abduction and complemented by mesmerizing electronic visuals, it beckons attendees into a world where music and art converge to challenge perceptions and evoke emotions.



Looking for the importance

Creative Director & Concept Design for COCAY Studio
The creative process behind Luis Cardel’s and Cocay Studio’s innovative installations for MUTEK began with a deep understanding of the festival’s emphasis on cutting-edge electronic music and arts. For the Projection Mapping & Laser Interaction installation, the team meticulously crafted an audiovisual symphony by integrating projection mapping with intricate laser movements, synchronized to pulsating beats and visuals. This required extensive experimentation with laser technology and projection techniques to achieve perfect harmony. For the Abduction & Electronic Visuals on Cylinders experience, the team delved into abstract and mysterious themes, using cylindrical canvases to project mesmerizing electronic visuals that evoke a sense of otherworldliness. This involved detailed conceptualization and precise execution to ensure that the visuals complemented the music and narrative seamlessly. Both installations exemplify the collaborative effort, technical prowess, and creative vision of Luis Cardel and Cocay Studio, pushing the boundaries of immersive art and redefining the festival experience at MUTEK.